Saturday, November 5, 2011

Crappy Retail Jobs

Crappy Retail Jobs
Drawn in honor of the 300+ cash registers I have stood behind in my lifetime.
Retail work gets in your head and in your blood, like a disease you secretly don't mind keeping. Once you discover the hidden joys of working in a "store" (I don't think it matters what kind of store, really), with all the colorful goods for sale that maybe you can pay for out of your next check, the unpredictable customers, the donuts that sometimes appear on the breakroom table for no reason, the unstable needy co-worker who's crying in the bathroom stall next to you... the smiling boss who's job you know you could nail but you're too good to sell your mind and soul to the company, so you'll just let him keep on thinking he's smarter than you... the cheeseburger and fries you can get next door... the lack of a need for current fashion sense thanks to a uniform... the forced social interaction...
I could go on and on. Retail, I do love you. Thanks for the memories.

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